Fakebook and Twister

Fakebook Guide

Guide to saving your profile-
1.      One piece of information in the profile, one friend, and one post.  Then click save.  (Make sure you click save changes on the profile)
2.      The top of the page will ask for a password. (I recommend you use something very easy to remember like your own first name- it doesn’t have to be a secure password.)
3.      This will give you a unique URL. 
4.      Save the URL and password- the easiest way to do this is to send an email to yourself and copy and paste the URL and write your password in the body of the email. 
Adding more content:
Click on add post to add more information. 
 If you click on “Comment” it will appear as a reply to the post. 
For comments, you can simply type
likes this.
dislikes this.
(remember the period at the end!) to get a thumbs up/down symbol.

The posts will not appear in chronological order, but you can reorder them by clicking and dragging the posts when they are completed.
Click on the pencil to edit or the X to delete a post.


Twister Tips:

Follow the directions on the screen.

Copy the URL of the completed tweet in order to save it. OR Print the completed page.

Tip: If you are not using a real/historical person, try using several words as a description in the “Real Name” field.  

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